Social media creative
Decopat and Chocolat & Tradition
Graphic and product designer, photographer, videographer,
set designer, content scheduling
1.5 months

One of my latest missions for Decopat and Chocolat & Tradition involved the creation of two social media campaigns from scratch.
For both accounts I was in charge of:
creating the Instagram and Facebook accounts and linking these accounts to any relevant digital platform needed to promote the campaign
(Later, Facebook Creator Studio...) -
establishing a content release calendar
conceiving three months' worth of visual Instagram content (product photography, Instagram videos such as REELs and IGTVs, carousels...)
scheduling one month's worth of content which was aired on the 1st of October 2021 for both accounts.
This B-to-B campaign was aimed at promoting the variety of products sold by Decopat.
For the photography part, I decided to emphasize the numerous motifs and shapes present in the company's product offering.
To generate a harmonious Instagram feed, I decided to keep the set design as plain as possible with a white background for all of the
photographed elements.
For the video part, I created a series of light and fun animated REELs and IGTVs (hence the commercial pop music). These contents were a way of furthering the presentation of the products while adding a "Behind the scenes" aspect by showing how some of the products were made (digital design, silkscreening...).

Chocolat & Tradition
This B to C Instagram account works as a digital showroom for the brand's core products (chocolate paste, chocolate squares, orangettes, citronnettes, rochers...).
Alongside photographing each product individually against a plain background, I also recreated different daily scenes during which these products would typically be consumed. Given that this brand targets the more wealthy and westernized families in Rabat, I decided to render an atmosphere of traditional snacking, coffee, or tea time which adults and children alike are prone to enjoy.
The aim of the REELs and IGTVs on the other hand was to give insights into how some of these products were made, but also what recipes could be done with the chocolate paste.